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I can't find the Title, description, and logo under look and feel in site settings in one of my sharepoint team sites

missing Title, description, and logo in SharePoint online site

However, I can find the option to change the site title and logo in another subsite in the same site collection!

Title, description, and logo missing in SharePoint online

I need to know Why I am missing Title, description, and logo in this sharepoint site and how I can change the site title and logo for that site?

1 Answer

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How to change title, description, and logo in SharePoint online Site collection?

In SharePoint Online, There is no setting for title, description, and logo under the Look and Feel section in the Site Settings of a SharePoint Online Site Collection. However, the title, description, and logo setting is already available in the site Settings of SharePoint Online Subsites.

To be able to change the title, description, and logo of a SharePoint online Site collection, you should do the following:

  1. Click on the Settings Gear Icon > Click on "Site Information".
    change title,logo of SharePoint online site collection
  2. In the Site Information, you can do the following:
    • Change Site collection Logo.
    • Change Site collection Title.
    • Change Site collection Description.
    • Specify the Privacy Settings.
    • Delete the Site collection.
    • Or view all Site Settings.
      Title, description, and logo missing in SharePoint online

See Also

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